A Ministry for Adult Family Members and Loved Ones of Those Incarcerated

What do you do initially and progressively when an arrest happens with your loved one?
How do you make arrangements to visit your loved one in prison?
How do you handle the prison time?
Where do you turn for legal help?
How do you process your emotions:
fear, confusion, hurt, grief, and the myriad of other thoughts & emotions flooding and overwhelming your mind?
Beyond Walls
A safe venue with reference books, workbooks, information booklets and speakers specifically in this arena.
Every Thursday
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Beginning Thursday, April 4th.
Redemptive Ministry Center
6505 DeBarr Road
Anchorage, AK 99504
Note: Additional Parking
behind the building.
Web Page: WWW.RecoveryAlaska.com
Email: RJBosley@ACM180.com
Email: BDunfee@mountaincity.church
Email: Info@ACM180.com
Phone: ACM Office Manager, Karen,